
[焦点话题] 【红色记忆】中国共产党北海市地方组织的建立与初期革命活动


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发表于 2016-7-1 18:11:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Red Memories: The Establishment of Beihai Local Organizations of The Communist Party of China (CPC) and Early Revolutionary Movements (Part II)

After the event of counter revolutionary coup of the Shanghai massacre on 12 April, 1927, Beihai CPC Organization was damaged severely. However, facing the increasingly aggressive military invasions, the spark of revolution will not just die out.

The Awakening of Ideology: Lay a Solid Foundation for the Reconstruction of Behai CPC Organizations

In 1931, after the September 18th Incident, an anti-Japanese and national salvation movement took place in many cities and towns nationwide. During November 1932 to July 1937, some advanced youths and students of Beihai who were impacted by the left-wing cultural movements led by the leaders of the CPC had established several organizations such as Lvbo Publishing House, Weiming Publishing House, and Jing Lizhai Book Club successively, gradually leading to a cultural movement mainly intended for studying revolutionary theory, advocating Marxism, propagating anti-Japanese and counter-Chiang Kai-shek campaign. In 1936, the patriotic soldiers and civilians killed the Japanese spy Nakano Junzo, namely the Beihai September 3rd Incident. Such anti-Japanese national salvation movements greatly promoted the awakening of Beihai people, and these local people further became the foundation of the reconstruction of Beihai CPC Organization, helping the spread of communist and socialist ideologies and serving as important cadres in the organization.
北海“九三事件”事发地——“丸一药房”  摘自《北海图录》
Maruichi Drugstore, the site of Beihai September 3rd Incident    (Source: Behai Catalog)


视频tysurl.com/8sOg6H 海外直播tysurl.com/jsOW78 “绝不照搬西方模式”西方模式是什么?不敢说.①新闻自q由,不敢搬,因为害怕人民监督.②官i员财产公开,不敢搬,因为害怕腐p败曝光.③官b员选举产生,不敢搬,因为害怕人   发表于 2016-11-7 17:01
 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-1 21:58:03 | 显示全部楼层
Relighting the Fire: Reconstruction of Beihai CPC Organization

In February 1937, Guangzhou Temporary Municipal County Working Committee of the CPC decided that Zhao Shiyao, a party member who was born in Beihai, went back to Behai to support the work of local CPC organizations, and established Beihai CPC Organization and Yizhong CPC Organization by taking the initiative to develop new party members from anti-Japanese activists, the teachers and students of Hepu No.1 Middle School and the social people with lofty ideas. Later in February 1939, the Hepu County Central Committee of the CPC was established with Beihai CPC Organization as its special branch to lead grassroot CPC organizations of Hepu No.1 Middle School, the Youth and Women Anti-enemy Comrades’ Associations and the Chinese socialist party, totaling 22 party members. The special branch of the party was located in the library of Hepu No.1 Middle School, which now is in the campus of Beihai No.1 Middle School on Jiefang road. In June 1939, Hepu County Central Committee of the CPC was destroyed because of the event of Hepu Rujia Alley Incident and the work got suspended until the Hepu Working Committee of CPC was established in August to continue with the anti-Japanese national salvation movements.

合浦一中图书馆旧址  摘自《北海图录》
Former Site of Hepu No.1 Middle School Library  (Source: Behai Catalog)

Save the Nation from Subjugation: Anti-Japanese National Salvation Movements under the Leadership of Beihai CPC Organization

Beihai anti-Japanese national salvation movements were carried out step by step under the unified organization and leadership of Beihai CPC Organization. When the Support Group of Beihai People’s Anti-Enemy Association was founded, it took control of the Youths, Workers and Women Anti-enemy Comrades’ Association, in which the party group and party members played an important and leading role in the party work. From 1939 to 1940, Baishishui and Longtan Anti-Japanese Bases Behind the Enemy’s Line were established to declare a much longer and broader guerrilla warfare on enemies.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-1 21:58:33 | 显示全部楼层

白石水柑子根党支部旧址  摘自《夜幕下的博弈》
Former site of Ganzigen, Baishishui Party Branch   (Source: The Game In Night)

During the war of resistance against Japanese aggression, the diehards of Kuomintang started to strike the Communist Party of China and against the will of Chinese people under the severe situations. In March 1943, with the revocation of Hepu County Central Committee of the CPC, Beihai CPC Organization transferred the communists whose identities were disclosed to the villages so that they can “disperse and hide, insist on doing their job and await for the right opportunity” as instructed by the Central Committee of the CPC. They carried out the work in a secret way, set up a special commissioner system and changed to one-to-one contact. From 1943 to September 1944, most of the party members in Beihai participated in people’s armed forces led by the Party. They set up a revolutionary base in remote area of Hepu County, Qin County, Lingshan County and Fangcheng County, organized the local people’s armed forces, developed guerrilla warfare, took action to oppose and destroy the local counter revolutionary forces of feudal bullies and fought against the besiegement of the Kuomintang army and Japanese aggressors. The few party members who stayed in the city collected the military intelligence of the enemy and the puppet regime for them.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-1 22:03:39 | 显示全部楼层

北海抗日战争胜利纪念亭  摘自《北海图录》
The memorial pavilion of Beihai victory in the war of resistance against Japanese aggression   (Source: Behai Catalog)

Liberation of Beihai: The Victory Attained by Beihai CPC Organization in Revolutionary Struggle

After the victory in the war of resistance against Japanese aggression in September 1954, the grassroot CPC organizations in Hepu County, Qin County, Lingshan County and Fangcheng County enhanced the construction of people’s armed forces by means of continually insisting on guerrilla warfare and consolidated the revolutionary base areas in remote mountainous regions of Guangdong and Guangxi. Beihai CPC Organization and its members still carried out the activities secretly and maintained the one-to-one contact system. In June 1947, Liao Duo, who acted as the liaison in party organization of Lianbei District was arrested. He then voluntarily surrendered himself and betrayed the party, which caused 10 communists and 3 advanced businessmen to be arrested and Beihai CPC Organization suffered severe damage. In the meanwhile, the authorities of Kuomintang launched a campaign to suppress the so-called rebellion of the CPC to achieve unification and assembled armed forces in cities, greatly impeding the work of the CPC. However, some party organizations in Fucheng, Nankang, Yingpan, and other places around Beihai, were still active under the leadership of the Hepu and Southeast Working Committee of the CPC. On December 4, 1949, the underground party organization coordinated with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army to liberate Beihai.


粤桂边游击队配合解放军解放北海  摘自《夜幕下的博弈》
The Guangdong and Guangxi Guerrilla Forces Coordinated with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army to Liberate Beihai   (Source: The Game In Night)

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